Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)

Join us as we reconnect with who God really is, find solace in a quiet setting, and enjoy the goodness of being with other women.

Come let the lush landscapes, conversations, and fun inspire reflection, gratitude, and a renewed sense of purpose in your life.

Timber Wolf Lake 4909 N Morey Rd Lake City, MI 49651


In General Gathering Sessions, Keynote Speaker Kelsey Jenney will invite you to lean in, laugh, and hear about the God who loves us deeply, even in the middle of our crazy mixed up, beautiful, broken lives.

Come back to see God in the messy of life…to find our Lord in the big blessings, but also to live simply the Truth of how we were created and where we Belong in this chaotic world. To be centered once again! Honesty, vulnerability, truth, and tears are woven together to reveal how we are the Best of the Best of the Very Best of God’s creations. Kelsey has been on staff with the mission of Young Life for 19 years in a variety of roles. She is a certified Spiritual Director and is currently pursuing her Masters in Spiritual Formation. She also has a deep love of all animals, especially Goldendoodles!

Everyone has a love language, a preferred way to express love to and receive it from another person. For Amy Swanson, worship is her love language to God. Join us as she leads in General Gathering Session worship times and shares her love of Christ. Amy is a wife, mom and music teacher for the Cadillac High School.

Every guest can sign up for two breakout sessions to be held on Saturday.


Art and Soul - Worship Your Art Out

Loving God draws out our inner selves and invites us to creatively connect with Him. In this session, we will explore personal expression and inner healing, expressions of adoration and God’s expressions toward and through us as we use various artistic media. (You may choose to bring an old shirt to protect your clothing as you work.)

Leader: Patricia Markham; wife, mom, grandmother, artist, musician, writer, ordained minister and co-pastor at the Revival Center in Cadillac and founder of Art as Worship in Cadillac

Body Freedom Reset

Maybe you’ve loved Jesus but you’ve kept your body separate from God, choosing to measure it by the standard of the world instead. Yet we can live whole and free in the bodies God gave us as we connect with him through body movement, being still and staying in God’s Word. You can get free and stay free in your body! For this session, wear something to move in (anyone can do it!) and bring a journal if you like to take notes.

Leader: Laura Bennett; wife, mom, small business owner and trained Revelation Wellness instructor

Does Anyone Hear My Voice?

Ever wonder what your life is really worth? Does your effort, opinion, voice, job, ministry really matter? Discover answers to these important questions and gain a greater understanding of your personal value in, through and because of Christ. Understanding your value makes a real difference in your life!

Leader: Bethany Blazak; wife, mom and Administrative Director at Living Word Ministries in Manton where she also serves in a teaching and pastoral role

Experiencing the Presence of God Through Worship

We often think of worship as just singing in church, but abiding in the presence of God can happen through music, prayer and just space to be. Come breathe in the presence of God in ways that are refueling, renewing and more.

Leader: Wendy Vrieze; wife, mom and Worship Director and Children’s Ministries Director at Lake City Christian Reformed Church

Flunking Being Still

Life is noisy and full of interruptions. In this session, we will talk about our monkey brains and our inability to be still, yet God’s goodness to us in the midst of it all. We will also be practicing a way of quieting ourselves through Scripture, as a step towards the abundant life as sisters in Christ.

Leader: Kathy Vana; wife, mom, grandma, a hot mess and Connections Pastor at Rehoboth Reformed Church in McBain

Living in Victory*

We face battles daily and often on multiple fronts, but there is a way of strength and readiness through life’s challenges. This session explores the profound significance of putting on the Armor of God, and provides insights and practical strategies to strengthen your faith and stand firm in God’s truths.

Leader: Sue Whipple; wife, mom and Realtor with City2Shore Real Estate

Moving Towards God

If we could really pay attention to our thoughts and feelings, we might discover things in our lives that breathe life into us and ones that take it. We’d learn where we are either moving toward God and experiencing freedom and peace, or away into expectations and anxiousness. Come and discover a 15 minute practice that reviews your day or week and attends to your thoughts and emotions, so that you can take a step toward God and enjoy the rest and joy He offers.

Leader: Ashley Bonnes; wife, mom, ordained pastor at Highland Christian Reformed Church in Marion and Spiritual Director

Peace Where There Isn’t Peace

Once abducted and attacked, Emily has learned how to find peace and wholeness in her life, and even the ability to forgive. Hear Emily’s story and find out how, no matter the hurts in your life or where they came from, wholeness can be yours too.

Leader: Emily Klotz; wife, mom and co-pastor, along with her husband, Dan, at Cadillac Resurrection Life Church

Soul Yoga -

A Christ-centered Space to Wholeness

We are made up of heart, mind, soul and body, and often, we are in need of restoration. Regardless of your body type or your feelings about it, body movement can lead you into God’s healing and wholeness for your heart, mind and soul. Bring a mat or towel with you to this session and experience a new pathway to God’s wholeness.

Leader: Krista Winkle; wife, mom, certified Fitness and Yoga instructor and co-worker in her husband’s business

Work-life…and Jesus

Work and Jesus aren’t supposed to be separate matters, but for many of us, it can be difficult to integrate the two. Learn of Jaimie’s personal journey of boldly asking God for favor in all aspects of life, embracing her spirituality in her work and discovering how Christ is at the center, even providing His divine favor on financial endeavors.

Leader: Jaimie Fellows-Garno; wife, mom and Realtor with City2Shore Real Estate

*Standing with Confidence

Registration Fee: $195**, includes 2 nights lodging, meals, sessions, & most free time activities.

$95 non-refundable deposit due at the time of registration. Guests will be invoiced for balance of $100 - due September 2, 2024.

**After September 2, 2024, Registration fee is $215 with total due at time of registration. Registration available through Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

Pricing and Registration

General Schedule

Friday: 5:00-6:30pm Arrival, 7:00pm Pizza & Salad Buffet Dinner (optional), 8:00pm Opening Worship & General session, Free Time & Fun.

Saturday: 9:00am Breakfast, Worship & General Session, Free Time. 12:30pm Lunch, Breakout Sessions, Free Time. 7:00pm Dinner, Worship & General Session.

Sunday: 8:00am Pack and Cabin Clean-up, 8:30am Breakfast, Worship & General Session, 11:30am Departure.

Additional Information

*Guest Consent Release Form: All participants must complete a Guest Consent Release Form for Timber Wolf Lake.

*Housing: The majority of housing will be dorm style with bunk beds. Roommate/group requests can be made upon registration.

*Linens: Pillows, pillowcases, and blankets will be provided by Timber Wolf Lake. Guests will be required to bring sheets and towels.

*Cabin Clean-up: Guests will be asked to assist in cabin clean-up before departure. Cleaning instructions will be provided by Timber Wolf Lake.

Questions? Email Community Hope at or